Fashion Grunge Zine Issue 02: wave
— Sold out
A5, 84 pages , perfect bound
issue 02 'wave' includes both original and personal work from photographers who have contributed to the online platform, Fashion Grunge
Featured Artists: Vlad Savin, Miguel Soll, Francisco Salmerón, Cary Fagan, Shaira Luna
Ethan Gulley, Chris Bernabeo, Jason Landis, Katja Stückrath, Takako Noel, Laura Allard-Fleischl, Thomas Hole, Laura Kovanska, Alessandro Ruggieri, Jessica Gwyneth, Tim Nathan, Ivan Gudic, Sarah Gallaun, Elena Breuer, Hef Prentice, Alexan Sarikamichian, Stefania Consarino, Elise Dantec, Milly Cope
cover photograph: Laura Allard-Fleischl
Published by Fashion Grunge